December 21, 2012 Doomsday

The December 21, 202 doomsday date is fast approaching and with it there has come an increase in worry among many people. The widely publicized end date of the ancient Mayan calendar may or may not bring about doom and destruction but one thing is for sure: it's bringing out a lot of fears.

As news that a new poll found at least 25 million Americans think the world will end on the 21 of December emerged, some are wondering just how the world will end.

There are theories that it will end with a comet colliding with earth or super solar flares and deadly CME's. Another theory is that the earth and the rest of the solar system will cross the galactic plane on or around December 21, 2012.

So will this happen? Will earth do something it hasn't done in millions of years?

According to, the answer is no.

"The solar system will not cross the galactic plane on December 21, 2012 - or on any other date in 2012 - or anytime soon. Sure, our Milky Way galaxy is flat and round, like a pancake. And yes, the sun does weave in and out of the galaxy's flat plane. However, astronomers have determined that we're currently moving away from, not toward the galactic plane. By astronomers' estimates, our solar system last crossed the plane of the Milky Way galaxy some 3 million years ago. We won't do so again for another 30 million years," the site says.

So, that is one theory that can be crossed of the list of things that will happen.

The other theories will surely be debunked as well.

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